Nowadays parents tend to keep busy their kids by sending them to vacations classes or hobby classes. Kids find it boring to sit ideal at home. Creativity is good way to boost them for creating something new by themselves. When
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Stop wrinkles in 2 mins at Rewardme
We all health conscious people are always worried about all the cosmetics we use. We also see that those should be organic one. Most people preferred to use home remedies than using cosmetics which are more confusing whether organic or
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While buying online I normally remove the items from wish-list, once I order it. It becomes easy to do further search based on the current products availability. However, there is one product which I never dare to remove from my
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We are habituated to online shopping. And nowadays its trend of celebrating various days…valentine’s day…mother’s day…father’s day. So all these day’s makes us to visit online portals often to buy gifts. But does these gifts really binds with your loved
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Its June month…I could see shops with umbrellas, raincoats, school uniforms and notebooks crowded as always. But now I am not the part of that crowd. For past 12 years when my kid was in school, I was one among
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He was getting ready for office. He arrived in hall. He peeped through the kitchen door. And found her busy in getting Tiffin ready for kids. He found his tiffin ready on dining table along with his breakfast. He finished
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We never know when we will die. But before we die, we have a great life and it depends on us how beautifully we write every page of our LIFE. In broad sense we consider health and wealth as the
Continue readingAxis Digital – Ping Pay App
I was happy to see a special invite from BlogAdda for Axis Digital’ event ,as I missed ‘Axis Acquaintance’ event few months back. I reached the venue in time as I wanted to spent moments with cobloggers too. I met
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Recently I got one book on wild life photography. I really loved the photos so much that I thought to share about the photographer and his amazing art work for you all. Being an Indian it’s our responsibility to preserve
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Smart phones are not just the requirement of tech guys, but it is become a necessity for everyone in today’s technology era. The advanced technology is making multi tasking more easier every day. Since I started using smart phone, checking
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