Hug Your Dad!

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We are habituated to online shopping. And nowadays its trend of celebrating various days…valentine’s day…mother’s day…father’s day. So all these day’s makes us to visit online portals often to buy gifts. But does these gifts really binds with your loved ones? This question aroused in my mind on this father’s day.

Why? As usual I was finding a gift for my dad….wallet, wrist watch, tie…no these items he doesn’t require now. Then what should I buy for him? Whether I should buy shawl or kurta for his yoga practice? Does my dad really would require all these items?

This thought made me curious, what my kids are planning for this father’s day celebration? And then I went in kid’s room to check out what plans are going on there. To my amaze both were busy in making drawing. It was just wonderful greeting card for their dad. Really kids are innocent. They know they can please their dad by showing their skills. No readymade gifts are good for their dad. Sometimes kids teach us what we can never learn from any book or even years of experience are useless.


Does my dad really want those expensive gifts? Then what he really wants from me? This thought pushed me in the flashback. Even my dad loved my drawing when I was kid. He always praised for my, those scribbling on paper and walls. He always boosted me for everything I did. Whether it was drawing or rangoli….

I still remember the day I fought with him for not allowing me to join arts college. I thought that he do not want me do what I love to …But it was just because he is worried about my safety. He did not want me to travel for that long distance. He was worried about my health. And what I did? I have remembered what he has restricted to do. Why I have forgotten the things he done for me all these days?

I love my kid’s that gentle gesture of hug when he give me paper simply written as “ I love you”. This is what my dad would still love. He just wants my attention. If I would give him handmade greeting, still he would love it…..

Why not surprise him with something which he has never asked me for so many years? A gentle hug is a real gift for my dad on this father’s day!

This father’s day, I am expressing my love towards my dad by participating in the #HugYourDad activityat BlogAdda in association with Vicks.

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