“Mom, I will be late”
My son looked at big question mark on my face and said “ Today is last paper…we are going to Band stand in the afternoon”
I breathed a sigh of relief. Since last one month I was worried about him. His first semester dates announced last month and his college declared holidays for studies. I could see his whole schedule was changed. He was studying late night and getting up late. In fact, I use to wake him up while going to office. And I was worried about him as he was not attentive to his health.
Though I could see that he is studying hard when I am at home, but was not aware how much he is studying during day time. He was busy attending phone calls of his friends for discussion regarding queries. But still… I must accept that all mom are alike.

Being atypical Indian mother, I started thinking in reverse direction. And my suspicious mind started thinking weird things. Why his eyes are red? Why he is not shaving? Why he is looking so dull? I do not know how I remembered few Indian movies where college going students issues were raised. And then my suspicious mind again started thinking worst things. How are his new friends? Even I read recently in newspaper, that some drug being used by students which give them energy during late night study. What if someone has suggested him such drugs?
And now……I was just now watching him surprisingly. When I saw his clean shaven and well groomed face, a nice smile appeared on my face.
I was so silly … thinking lot of adverse things. We-Moms are too crazy. Our imagination has no limits when we think about our kids. Kids are always kids for us, however they grown up!
So, kids with beard can be indication of their environment. It becomes easy for moms to take a sigh of relief when our son holds Gillette razer in their hand
This post is a part of #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette. Thank You Jigish for tagging me and I accept your challenge. Dear Blogger friends Aiswarya Moodadi Anirudh Will you please take the #WillYouShave challenge?
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