Shattered Dreams: Book Review

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Rating: 3.5 / 5
Title: Shattered Dreams, Book Part 2 of Ramayana
Series: Ramayana: The Game of Life
Author: Shubha Vilas
Category: Indian Mythology
Pages: 387
Price: Rs 350
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House

Shattered dreams is the second book in the series of Ramayana – the Game of life. Though I have yet to read the first part of “The Game of Life”, it did not make disturb reading Shattered Dreams, as we all know the story of Ramayana.

About the Author: Shubha Vilas is a motivational leader and known in the business world for conducting workshops for top level management. He believes that learning is an endless process. According to his teaching and learning essential part of personal growth. His belief in personal and spiritual development in oneself is reflected in his writing too. He has inspired the youth through various seminars across the country. His motivational storey telling has guided to school teachers as well as school children.

The story starts after the twelve years of the royal wedding of Rama and Sita in Ayodhya. The book further covers the exilation of Rama to forest and Bharata’s efforts to bring him back to Ayodhya.

ramayanaDasharatha declares his wish of crowning Rama as, he himself finds difficult to fight six inner enemies. Here the author tells us more about how to subhagate the six anarthas to conquer. He was not sure whether citizens of Ayodhya will accept Rama as their king. But he finds relief when he sees that each and every person in Ayodyaare happy with his decision. However, there is one person who bears a grudge towards Rama and its Manthara, maid of Keikeyi. She reminds the queen for her boom and take advantage of it now to secure his son,Bharata.

The Author has explained what learning we to accept from the volatile behavior of Lakshmana and the composed behavior of Rama when they hear the evil strategy of Keikeyito explode Rama to forest for fourteen years. Here we learn the most difficult aspect of life to handle reversals in life. The four different situations from Rama’s life teach us to handle the reversals in life. Flexibility is the key to handle negative reversals effectively, that’s the first lesson we get here. It also teaches us to focus among beautiful temptations, steadfastness even after failures and awareness about the power of responsibility.

The book keeps the reader very well hooked with the drama in each and every incidence. It also discusses about the Rama’s journey to Chitakoot and further to Dandakaranya. In the last part of the book,Bharata’s meeting with Rama in the Chitrakoot forest is touching crescendo. Author nicely describes how the set of five management mantras is the foundation of vision based leadership.

The book also teaches us how to deal with blame and praise. Bharata shows us a path how to guard our anger by maintaining a calm, detached spirit.

It is a story of Sita and Ganga too. How Sita as Rama’s ardhangini showed her negative emotions to show her positive love towards Rama. Ganga, the river teaches us how we need to change with the passage of time , fleeting nature of life and consistent nature of legacy.

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