
मी पप्पांची मधली सुन. मधल्या मुलाला काहि अधिकार नसतात,पर्यायाने सुनेलासुध्दा. तेव्हा पप्पाबद्द्ल लिहीण्याचा अधिकार आहे कि नाही, हे जाणुन न घेता लिहिते. पप्पांना दिलेली ही ओबडधोबड श्रद्धांजली! आपल्याकडे भरपुर बोलणे हा चांगलेपणाचा निकष आहे, मनाचा निर्मळपणा ह्याला महत्व नसते. माझ्यामते

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Men who stood by me

Last few months various protests against Delhi tragedy shows that Indian woman is not treated properly by men. Even Amir Khan’s Satyameve Jayate has drawn our attention towards various sensitive social issues prevalent in India especially regarding women. However, it

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Soldier I met

I was checking my mail and found that one is from blogaadda. Since I am new to blogadda, I opened it with curiosity. The subject was “Soldier For Women”. It reminded me about dad, brother and other relative who have

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Water for birds

This year ,  we can feel summer is too hot. i never felt it so before. I think since last 3 years , we all are being conscious about the term “Global Warming” The temperature is unbearable. If it is too difficult for human

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