Being an artist , I love to do experiments in home décor too. I love antique items a lot. I also pay attention to it that , my house should not look like a museam. However, incorporating antique pieces in home is real fun. At the same time finding antique items is a duanting job. As we all now this is online era. Many people buy online and it is not restricted to brand new products. But we can also buy the used items online.
We all aware of the fact that local person who sells and buys old stuff , known as raddiwala, will not give you the right price of the product. And he may not always havge the product we need. This made me to land on amazing websites It is a welknown site for buying and selling old products.It sells and buys everything right from electronic items to automobiles and from pets to household items.
In traditional buying and selling old items we normally connect with people with some referances. However, the major problem of selling and buying online is we have to deal with strangers. We also believe on the rumors of online frauds and hence hesitate to connect with starangers. According to me dealing with stranger is the main obstacle to online used buyers and sellers. Since I had to buy antiques, may be there is less possibility of fraud. But meeting starnger online seems difficult for me. To my amaze, I found a new amazing feature on Quikr – Quikr NXT.Its a chat application with complete privacy , ease to connect as per our convenience and no jotting down the names or details of person whom we are connecting. Let me explain it in Quikr style.

No fikar of privacy :
Whether we are buying or selling, we need to connect many during these transactions. Everyone is not comfortable in sharing their phone number to strangers. Quikr Nxt give surety of phone number privacy. Interacting prospective buyers and sellers without disclosing our phone number is possible via Chat facility. The setting allows you to maitain your Privacy
No fikar of timing :
We cannot devote all our time to connect with people and providing them information regarding our product( while selling) . The same goes when we are buying, may be the seller may not avialble to discuss regarding product when we are free. Here time saving factor is more convenient. Both buyer and seller can interact with their conveinece through chat.
No fikar to remember everyone:
During buying and selling transaction, we are connecting with various people. And it becomes difficult to remember what discussion we had and with whom . So , with Quikr Nxt we keep track of all chats. Chat history allows you to make decision quickly without hassle.
I am searching for my antiques with Quikr Nxt, what about you?
This post is a part of #QuikrNXT activity at Indiblogger in association with
* Disclaimer – Images are taken from Indiblogger and