Happy moments are the big treasure of our life. Even after we gain lot of success in life, we do not forget that golden moment.
I still remember my first day of school, first day of my first job, my first salary, first painting that I did. And since after the birth of my son, every single thing he done for first time are recorded in my mind. The first time he said “Aai”i.e mummy, his first step, his first teeth, his first day of school, first time he performed in fancy dress competition, his first table performance…. Don’t blame me… moms are like that, we do remember our kids than our self.
Being a tech-savy mom. I do remember my first mobile. It was not smart phone then. When everyone else was using Nokia, I preferred to go for Motorola. I loved the metal finish of my first ever cell phone. It’s still a part of my treasure box where many other memories are stored. So I am proud to say that I choose Motorola #ChooseToStart my own mobile journey.
As the necessities of all digi-soul has changed since smart phones have entered our lives. Mobiles are not just the device where we make calls. Now it has to be stuffed with various other features like camera, wifi – blue tooth connectivity, various apps and the most amazing screen touch experience. Now we do not have to keep secretly our tresaure box. The cell phones have turned to be our treasure box. We capture every happy moment of our life. And store in that tiny instrument.
This tiny instument called smart phone not just hold photos , but it helps us in many ways. I still remember the alarm clock we had , when I was in school. Now alarm clock concept is vanished. Out smart phone wake us up with a tune that we would love to hear to start our day. We do not have to use post-it everywhere, out smart phones are at fingure tips to remind us our meetings, important events and birthdays.
Using smart phone for first time is also memorable. However, I loved the touch screen experience a lot. I was not aware about different apps. Soon I learned about it as well as how to exchange photos. Now while shopping, sending the pic to friend and taking suggestions and then buy that item is new trend of buying. Even shopkeepers know it well. I was not aware about various painting accessories, and I used the same trick. It saved my time and even I got the expert advice in time, credit goes to smart phones.
Now it’s time to upgrade my experience of smart-phone with my favorite Motorola. I found Moto E has all those features with advanced technology. The new gen Moto E has 4G connectivity ( also available with 3G). The quad-core processor is much faster and allows us to do multitasking like listening to music while surfing.

Matching accessories is what I really love, and any woman would love. Here Moto E Comes with 6 additional band which are easy to swap. And I can change it very easily so as to match with my dress. I am just wondering what all new experience I will get with this innovative device MOTO E http://www.startwithmotoe.com/
This post is a part of indiblogger activity #ChooseToStart
P.C. www.tomsguide.com , www.phonearena.com ,www.phonebunch.com