Pamper your babies with softness

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Babies’ skin is the softest one than anything else. It makes us to cuddle them, spend some time with them and we connect with any baby for their innocent smile. But you will not find a baby always smiling. That is the other part of parenting. And it really needs to be solved very gently! Yes.. that’s right.. I am talking about the hygiene of babies.

Being mom, I have lot of experience regarding various health issues of babies. And a diaper is very sensitive thing, when we talk about babies’ health. Diaper pants help babies to have an experience of world by their own way. And that’s why it need to be soft so that babies will not face any infection issues and at the same time it should not hinder their movement as well.


Recently I have been invited for the launch of ‘New Pampers Premium Care Pants’. And got a special gift of Pampers Pant packet and I thought to give a real time test for it. Before I tell you what I found about this new pampers premium care pants, let me give you what are the special features of it.

The major features of this pamper premium care pants are dryness, softness and proper fitting.

Softness of fabrics : It is made of the soft material taking into the consideration the need of babies’ soft, smooth and delicate skin.

Softness all over : It is not just soft in the middle portion, but each and every section where it touches the skin of baby, it feels soft.

Dryness : Babies feel dry in their pants so they hardly aware that they are wearing them.

Baby lotion : The lotion in this diaper protects baby’s skin form infections.

All round fit : Its stretchable opening fits comfortably on legs and waist.

Disposable tape : It has disposable tape attached to it

Wetness indicator : The outer yellow portion becomes blue with fluid contact, which helps parents.


The softness can be checked by just checking it with hands. The softness is realized more when I touched the other brand diaper pants. For dryness, I tried to check it genuinely, so gifted the pack of diapers to my friends who is a proud mother of twins. This is her opinion that she had a nice sleep the night she used these diapers for her twins. There was no waking up in night to change the diaper. She also seemed happy with the fittings of pants. She said to wore on babies these pants was just struggle free, ever before. And it’s other two features also loved by her. She could just wrap the diaper with the given disposable tape before throwing the waste diaper. Even her happy face was telling the story that she loved the wetness indicator. Taking care of twins is too difficult job, and I have never seen her happy before that. Though she was thanking me for giving such gift, the real thank goes to New Pampers Premium Care Pants.

This blog post is written for the Pampers #SoftestForBabySkin activity in association with BlogAdda

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